Warehouse Fulfillment Services
Warehouse fulfilment services not only support customers in storing products like standard warehouse services but also handle all other order processing steps such as receiving goods, storing, picking, packing, delivering, COD collection, and handling returns and defective items. With professional warehouse operations and efficient automated management software, FASTSPEED makes online business simpler and more cost-effective for e-commerce businesses and shop owners.
Entry Process:
Goods Entry Process
- Customers send PO to FASTSPEED via various methods: system API, uploading Excel files, or manual entry.
- FASTSPEED checks and confirms the PO and assigns the appropriate warehouse.
- Customers deliver goods to the designated FASTSPEED warehouse. Upon arrival, FASTSPEED staff check documents, product quantity, and create a handover record. Each product is labelled with a unique ID for tracking.
- Goods are shelved according to IT software suggestions. FASTSPEED staff scan and label storage locations to complete the entry process.
- Goods are managed by FASTSPEED’s professional IT software, with monthly reports provided to customers.
Exit Process:
Goods Exit Process
- Customers send the exit order list to FASTSPEED via various methods.
- FASTSPEED confirms the exit order list through IT software.
- Fastspeed staff pick products according to IT software suggestions.
- Picked products are carefully packed and labelled for shipment.
- When couriers arrive, FASTSPEED staff hand over goods, sign handover records, and collect COD if applicable. Returned goods are processed with full steps: handover record, quality check, labelling, and shelving.
Why use fastspeed fulfilment services ?
- Reduced shipping costs due to discounted rates from major carriers.
- Lower warehouse investment costs.
- Optimized warehouse operations.
- Professional, easy-to-use management software.
- Faster delivery times with warehouses in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
- Opportunity to expand business to the Chinese market.